-utusan malaysia-
Exco Terengganu dapat Mercedes ganti Perdana V6
KUALA TERENGGANU 19 Julai – Kerajaan Terengganu membelanjakan kira-kira RM3.43 juta bagi membeli 14 buah Mercedes E200 Kompressor untuk menggantikan Proton Perdana V6 Executive sebagai kenderaan rasmi ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri (Exco) dan pegawai kanan kerajaan negeri.
Kereta berkenaan yang dibeli dengan harga tanpa cukai RM245,000 sebuah adalah bagi kegunaan 10 orang Exco kerajaan negeri, Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri, setiausaha kerajaan negeri, pegawai undang-undang dan pegawai kewangan.
Beberapa ahli Exco kerajaan negeri serta Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, Datuk Mokhtar Nong dilihat menggunakan kenderaan berkenaan pada majlis-majlis rasmi yang dihadiri mereka hari ini.
Mokhtar ketika ditemui selepas majlis penyampaian hadiah Asian Watercross Super Cup Terengganu di Batu Burok di sini hari ini berkata, keputusan membeli kereta mewah berkenaan dibuat oleh kerajaan negeri beberapa bulan lepas.
‘‘Kenderaan ini mula diterima awal bulan ini dan mula digunakan minggu ini,’’ katanya sambil memberitahu, pembelian itu tidak termasuk untuk Menteri Besar, Datuk Ahmad Said yang masih menggunakan kenderaan rasmi Mercedes sedia ada.
Beliau memberitahu, antara sebab pembelian itu ialah atas tujuan keselamatan dan penjimatan jangka panjang terutama dari segi penyelenggaraan.
‘‘Setelah dibuat kajian, kerajaan negeri mendapati untuk tujuan jangka panjang, penggunaan kereta baru ini adalah lebih baik menggantikan Perdana V6 Executive yang digunakan sejak lebih empat tahun lepas,” ujarnya.
Bagaimanapun, beliau memberitahu, masih ada ahli Exco kerajaan negeri belum menggunakan kereta berkenaan kerana perlu menunggu proses pendaftaran kenderaan.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Learn from S’wak: Keng Yaik
W. Malaysians are struggling with multiracial politics but S’wak has got it right since independence: Gerakan advisor
KUCHING: Political leaders in Peninsular Malaysia wrestling with the realities presented by the results of the March 8 general elections should learn from Sarawak on how to manage multi-racial politics.
“There is a lot that we (West Malaysians) can learn from Sarawak on how to manage politics and resources…how to bring about a fair and just perception to the rakyat who come from various backgrounds in a state,” said Datuk Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik, the advisor of Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia (Gerakan).
Dr Lim, the former Energy, Water and Communications Minister, said this yesterday when asked about the relevance of the opposition alliance Pakatan Rakyat to Sarawak. He was interviewed by reporters in the lobby of Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud’s office at Menara Pelita before he paid a courtesy call on the latter.
“Sarawak already has its multi-racial politics and that is why it is so stable. They (Pakatan Rakyat) have got nothing new. If they come, they only come and ‘kacau’ (disturb).
“Now everyone talks about multi-racial politics, the political tsunami, the new situation in Peninsular Malaysia but this has happened in Sarawak since independence,” he said.
In pointing out that he and Taib became friends after they were appointed to the federal cabinet in January 1972, he said he often visited Sarawak to meet the state’s Barisan Nasional leaders and he had learned a lot from them.
“I have learned a lot on how Sarawak manages its multi-racial politics and provides stability with the feeling…the perception of being fair and just to all races in the state.
“It does not need other parties like Pakatan Rakyat to promote multi-racialism. They (Peninsular Malaysian political leaders) need to learn from Sarawak. Don’t think that Sarawak is so far,” he said.
Pakatan Rakyat is an alliance of peninsula-based opposition parties which took form after the March 8 polls that saw BN being denied the two-third majority in parliament.
Although the opposition parties won five states and one federal territory they did not make any headway in Sarawak.
The opposition only won one out of 31 seats, proving Sarawak BN is indeed the bastion of the coalition.
Dr Lim’s party Gerakan also suffered major blows, losing Penang to the opposition.
Dr Lim said he was confident that the party would overcome the setback, albeit gradually.
He said he had no regrets about retiring before the polls and he believed that Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon was the right person to lead the party.
“But unfortunately the political situation put him (Dr Koh) into a bind and so he has to struggle and struggle very hard to put the party on the right footing again and he can bet his life I will be behind there helping him,” Dr Lim said.
KUCHING: Political leaders in Peninsular Malaysia wrestling with the realities presented by the results of the March 8 general elections should learn from Sarawak on how to manage multi-racial politics.
“There is a lot that we (West Malaysians) can learn from Sarawak on how to manage politics and resources…how to bring about a fair and just perception to the rakyat who come from various backgrounds in a state,” said Datuk Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik, the advisor of Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia (Gerakan).
Dr Lim, the former Energy, Water and Communications Minister, said this yesterday when asked about the relevance of the opposition alliance Pakatan Rakyat to Sarawak. He was interviewed by reporters in the lobby of Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud’s office at Menara Pelita before he paid a courtesy call on the latter.
“Sarawak already has its multi-racial politics and that is why it is so stable. They (Pakatan Rakyat) have got nothing new. If they come, they only come and ‘kacau’ (disturb).
“Now everyone talks about multi-racial politics, the political tsunami, the new situation in Peninsular Malaysia but this has happened in Sarawak since independence,” he said.
In pointing out that he and Taib became friends after they were appointed to the federal cabinet in January 1972, he said he often visited Sarawak to meet the state’s Barisan Nasional leaders and he had learned a lot from them.
“I have learned a lot on how Sarawak manages its multi-racial politics and provides stability with the feeling…the perception of being fair and just to all races in the state.
“It does not need other parties like Pakatan Rakyat to promote multi-racialism. They (Peninsular Malaysian political leaders) need to learn from Sarawak. Don’t think that Sarawak is so far,” he said.
Pakatan Rakyat is an alliance of peninsula-based opposition parties which took form after the March 8 polls that saw BN being denied the two-third majority in parliament.
Although the opposition parties won five states and one federal territory they did not make any headway in Sarawak.
The opposition only won one out of 31 seats, proving Sarawak BN is indeed the bastion of the coalition.
Dr Lim’s party Gerakan also suffered major blows, losing Penang to the opposition.
Dr Lim said he was confident that the party would overcome the setback, albeit gradually.
He said he had no regrets about retiring before the polls and he believed that Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon was the right person to lead the party.
“But unfortunately the political situation put him (Dr Koh) into a bind and so he has to struggle and struggle very hard to put the party on the right footing again and he can bet his life I will be behind there helping him,” Dr Lim said.
Another so called Multi-religion Malaysia
(AFP) - A Hindu family in multicultural Malaysia on Monday lost a court battle with Islamic authorities over the rights to the body of their relative who a religious court declared to be Muslim.
In the nation's latest dispute over Islamic conversion, the family of Elangesvaran Benedict, who committed suicide last month, said he remained a Hindu and should be buried according to the rites of the religion.
But their lawyer Karpal Singh said the High Court backed a Sharia court's decision and said Elangesvaran should be buried as a Muslim.
"The Sharia court has already declared him a Muslim. And he should be rightly buried as one," Karpal quoted judge Balia Yusuf Wahi Balia as telling lawyers in chambers.
Officials said religious authorities will claim the body from a local hospital and perform the burial ceremony late Monday.
The Islamic authorities last Friday secured an order in the Sharia religious court -- where the family was not represented -- that said Elangesvaran had converted to the religion.
The deceased man's brother, Selvam, said the family was saddened by the decision.
"We are extremely disappointed. But what can we do? We intend to appeal this decision," he said.
The case is the latest in a series of allegations of "body-snatching" by Islamic authorities, who have seized remains against the objections of non-Muslim family members.
The cases have fed accusations over the growing "Islamisation" of Malaysia, where the population is dominated by Muslim Malays living alongside ethnic Chinese and Indian communities.
Malaysia's government has proposed new rules on converting to Islam, in a bid to prevent the wrangles that have split families and incited racial tensions in the country.
Issues related to religion, language and race are sensitive matters in multi-racial Malaysia, which witnessed deadly riots in 1969.
Malaysia practices a dual court system where civil courts handle civil matters for non-Muslims while Sharia courts decide on such matters for Muslims.
In the nation's latest dispute over Islamic conversion, the family of Elangesvaran Benedict, who committed suicide last month, said he remained a Hindu and should be buried according to the rites of the religion.
But their lawyer Karpal Singh said the High Court backed a Sharia court's decision and said Elangesvaran should be buried as a Muslim.
"The Sharia court has already declared him a Muslim. And he should be rightly buried as one," Karpal quoted judge Balia Yusuf Wahi Balia as telling lawyers in chambers.
Officials said religious authorities will claim the body from a local hospital and perform the burial ceremony late Monday.
The Islamic authorities last Friday secured an order in the Sharia religious court -- where the family was not represented -- that said Elangesvaran had converted to the religion.
The deceased man's brother, Selvam, said the family was saddened by the decision.
"We are extremely disappointed. But what can we do? We intend to appeal this decision," he said.
The case is the latest in a series of allegations of "body-snatching" by Islamic authorities, who have seized remains against the objections of non-Muslim family members.
The cases have fed accusations over the growing "Islamisation" of Malaysia, where the population is dominated by Muslim Malays living alongside ethnic Chinese and Indian communities.
Malaysia's government has proposed new rules on converting to Islam, in a bid to prevent the wrangles that have split families and incited racial tensions in the country.
Issues related to religion, language and race are sensitive matters in multi-racial Malaysia, which witnessed deadly riots in 1969.
Malaysia practices a dual court system where civil courts handle civil matters for non-Muslims while Sharia courts decide on such matters for Muslims.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Lets Be End Out
Imagine there's no barisan
It's easy if you try
No ISA to detain us
Above us only constitution
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no parties
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to campaign or vote for
And no racism too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the Malaysians will be as one
Imagine no corruptions
I wonder if you can
No need for C4 or sodomy
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all resources...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And Malaysians will live as one
It's easy if you try
No ISA to detain us
Above us only constitution
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no parties
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to campaign or vote for
And no racism too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the Malaysians will be as one
Imagine no corruptions
I wonder if you can
No need for C4 or sodomy
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all resources...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And Malaysians will live as one
Dari zaman saya kanak-kanak lagi saya telah tidak percaya kepada segala bentuk raja. Apa bendanya raja raja ni? Guli apa yang dipanggil raja in? Entah apa cenerah yang dipanggil raja. Entah apa ke pundingnya di panggil raja. Natang bewok gapo rajo ni?Sampai ke Senaling saya pun tidak akan percaya kepada raja – terutama kalau namanya Raja Petra.Raja Petra ini entah orang entahkan biawak. Biar betul. Apa bakulnya Raja Petra ni? Siapa yang menjadikan dia raja? Dari lubang mana Mamat ini keluar? Dari bukit mana dia muncul? Saya tengok gambar Mamat ini mukanya macam Gurkha dari kem Paroi. Pelik . Kalau benar dia Petra apa ke jadahnya dia di Malaysia? Petra patut duduk di Jordan.Semua raja adalah karut bin marut, terutama Raja Petra.
Dia ini adalah raja kacau daun. Raja bikin kacau. Kalau betul Petra ini seorang raja, dia mesti ada kuda, mesti ada gajah. Kalau tidak ada kuda macam mana hendak kelim jadi raja. Kalau JJ kelim dia Raja Raba Bontot saya percaya kerana saya pernah tengok gambar JJ naik bontot kuda. Kerana itu wajib JJ kita ini dinobatkan sebagai Raja Raba-Raba Bontot atau JJRRB.Saya cukup naik darah pada minggu ini. Kerana saya marah maka saya buka tiga botol Moet Chandon. Saya marah apabila saya mendapat tahu Raja Petra ini telah membuat Akuan Bersumpah.Saya cukup marah apabila sumpah Raja Petra ini diajukan kepada dot dot dot..... Saya tidak berani nak sebut nama Minah ini. Minah ini Minah suci. Namanya tidak boleh disebut di khalayak ramai. Bahaya. Apabila Minah ini marah terbarai gelang emasnya. Kalau Minah ini bertambah marah dia akan letupkan perut kita. Minah ini ada ‘power’ beb.Itu fasal akhbar Star hanya berani menggunakan perkataan – a prominent lady. Utusan Malaysia pun tidak berani menyebut nama Minah dengan penuh. Tidak ada title Datin Seri pada pangkal nama Minah ini. Malah Mansor nama ayah Minah ini pun tidak di tulis. Ini kerana Minah ini cepat naik angin.
Bayangkan akhbar Star dan Utusan Malaysia yang kaki bodek ini pun takut. Kalau kena sumpah Minah ini perut ketua pengarang boleh meletup.Tapi.... geng Cina saya bagi tahu bahawa akhbar Cina semuanya buat cerita muka hadapan tentang Akuan Bersumpah Raja Petra. Ini pelik. Macam mana akhbar Cina berani sangat. Mereka tidak takut kena dot dot dot ... ke? Saya agak akhbar Cina ini kebal sikit kerana ketua pengrang nya makan daging babi. Mengikut kata Tok Guru saya sesiapa yang makan daging babi tidak akan kena ilmu hitam. Sumpah dan ilmu hitam Minah ini tak menjadi kalau kita makan babi. Kah kah kah.Saya amat yakin lagi percaya bahawa perbuatan Raja Petra betul-betul tidak masuk ajar. Saya kesian melihat muka Mat Najib bakal PM saya itu. Dia kena ambush oleh wartawan di parlimen. Terketar-ketar dan bertambah merah bibirnya dan bertambah gugur rambutnya.
Mat Najib TIDAK menjawab soalan wartawan dalam Bahasa Melayu tapi dia speaking. Ini semua kerana kerenah Raja Petra hingga nampak broken inglis Mat Najib sama macam inglis Mat Zam. Ini fasal saya naik bengang. Itu fasal saya buka satu lagi botol Moet Chandon. Kah kah kah.Dari lubang mana Raja Petra ini dapat cerita yang dot dot dot... itu berada di dot dot dot... ketika dot dot dot.... di dot dot dotkan? Saya pun sudah takut nak sebut isi kandungan Akuan Bersumpah itu. Saya takut perut saya juga akan di dot dot dot... kan.Kenapa Raja Petra ini tidak takut? Siapa di belakang Raja Petra? Kalau tidak dari mana Raja Petra tahu? Dia tidak pernah pergi mabuk-mabuk di Press Club. Dia tidak pernah naik ke Level Four. Mesti ada orang di belakang Raja Petra.Saya yakin, selalunya yang duduk-duduk di belakang ini ialah Benggali. Sahih. Tepat. Betul. Di belakang Raja Petra pasti Benggali murtad yang bernama Karpal Singh yang bagi ‘info’. Tetapi bagaimana dengan JJ, dia pun suka raba-raba bontot. Apakah JJ juga di belakang bontot Raja Petra? Ini persoalan yang wajib kita sama-sama pecahkan. Kah kah kah.Saya hairan kenapa Minah dot dot dot.... itu tidak saman Raja Petra. Ini pelik tetapi benar.
Suami kepada dot dot dot.... ini juga tidak menyaman Raja Petra. Wahai Sang Suami dot dot dot..... jangan takut dan jangan risau Raja Petra ini bukan raja betul, dia tidak ada kuda. Dia tidak ada gajah macam Raja Siam.Raja Petra ini Raja Klentong. Dia ada menyebut bahawa ada seorang Raja telah juga mendapat laporan resmi dari FBI Malaysia yang mengatakan bahawa dot dot dot.... berada di dot dot dot.... ketika dot dot dot.... di dot dot dotkan.Woit ! Jangan takut dengan Raja Petra, raja yang di maksudkan itu tidak lain dan tidak bukan ialah anak lelaki dia sendiri. Bukan susah hendak jadi Raja, apabila anak kita lahir bubuh nama raja atau alih nama kita di pejabat Pendaftaran Negara. Kalau hendak tahu cara-cara pertukaran nama untuk menjadi raja ini sila hubungi Tengku Adnan. Dia memiliki pengalaman. Kah kah kah.Tetapi kenapa polis pun TIDAK serbu rumah Raja Petra dan tangkap komputernya? Dulu polis serbu. Komputer masuk lokap. Kenapa sekarang tidak? Ini pelik. Kenapa? Kenapa polis hanya menuduh Akuan Bersumpah Raja Petra ini telah memalukan negara?Memalukan negara? Kah kah Kah. Negara kita malu kerana bertelanjang bogel hingga nampak dua telur dan kontolnya bergoyang-goyang. Hal kontol montol ini sila tanya JJ. Dia pakar dalam bidang raba-raba.
Tetapi negara kita ini jantan ke betina? Kalau jantan nampak kontolnya. Kalau betina nampak bincatnya. Tetapi kalau betina Melayu bincatnya telah di potong. Kalau negara kita jantan berapa kilo agaknya kemaluan negara kita? Ini bikin kepala saya bengang. Kenyataan PDRM ini telah jelas dan bercelaru. Saya jadi marah lalu saya buka sebotol lagi Moet Chandon. Kah kah kah.Apabila Mat Najib menggunakan perkataan inglis ‘garbage’ untuk melekehkan Akuan Bersumpah Raja Petra saya jadi marah. Saya adalah ahli Sahabat alam. Garbage ini adalah barang baik. Memang betul garbage ialah sampah sarap sayuran lebihan dari dapur. Tetapi ianya boleh di kitar semua. Boleh dijadikan baja. Mengitar semula ialah cara hidup baru. Ini ada satu soalan Cepu Mas. Mana lebih baik garbage atau kapal selam? Kapal selam tidak boleh jadi baja. Kapal selam hanya dapat komisen. Kah kah kah.
Saya tidak faham kenapa dot dot dot.... tidak membuat sidang akhbar. Kenapa Mat Najib yang ditanya wartawan. Dari apa yang saya baca Akuan Bersumpah Raja Petra TIDAK ada langsung menyebut nama Mat Najib. Nama dua Minah dot dot dot.... ituy ada. Lalu saya ingin bertanya apa hubungan dua Minah dot dot dot ..... ini dengan Mat Najib.Kenapa Mat Najib bakal PM saya membuat sidang akhbar walhal dalam Akuan Bersumpah Raja Petra telah sahih yang Mat Najib tidak berada di dot dot dot... ketika dot dot dot.... di dot dot dot...kan? Saya yakin Mat Najib ketika dot dot dot.... di dot dot dotkan.... Mat Najib sedang berehat sama ada di Port Dickson atau sedang berehat bersama Ziana Zain....opps... sedang berehat mendengar album Ziana Zain. Mat Najib bakal PM saya ini tidak perlu risau. Saya yakin dia tidak terlibat kerana nama dia tidak tertulis dalam Akuan Bersumpah Raja Petra. Mat Najib boleh senang tidur dan membuat lebih tebal garbage mata.Tapi saya masih marah kenapa Raja Petra ini tidak di tangkap. Saya cadangankan kita siasat dari mana dia mendapat darjah kebesaran untuk menjadi Raja. Orang kampung mana yang menyembah dia.
Kalau dia Raja betul-betul raja di mana siongnya. Kalau di buktikan dia bukan raja saya cadangkan dia dibawa ke dot dot dot.... dan di dot dot dotkan... sama seperti dot dot dot .... yang telah di dot dot dotkan...itu.Dan.....dan.....dan jika Raja Petra betul-betul Raja maka kita sebagai rakyat wajib membelikan dia seekor kuda. Jenis kuda terbaik dalam dunia ini datangnya dari Mongolia. Saya ada kenal satu keluarga di Mongolia, dia ada kuda dan ada anak dara cun. Kalau Petra betul Raja macam ini saya tidak marah. Tapi saya masih akan juga membuka sebotol lagi .... kali ini bukan Moet Chandon tapi Dom Perignon. Kah kah kah
Dari zaman saya kanak-kanak lagi saya telah tidak percaya kepada segala bentuk raja. Apa bendanya raja raja ni? Guli apa yang dipanggil raja in? Entah apa cenerah yang dipanggil raja. Entah apa ke pundingnya di panggil raja. Natang bewok gapo rajo ni?Sampai ke Senaling saya pun tidak akan percaya kepada raja – terutama kalau namanya Raja Petra.Raja Petra ini entah orang entahkan biawak. Biar betul. Apa bakulnya Raja Petra ni? Siapa yang menjadikan dia raja? Dari lubang mana Mamat ini keluar? Dari bukit mana dia muncul? Saya tengok gambar Mamat ini mukanya macam Gurkha dari kem Paroi. Pelik . Kalau benar dia Petra apa ke jadahnya dia di Malaysia? Petra patut duduk di Jordan.Semua raja adalah karut bin marut, terutama Raja Petra.
Dia ini adalah raja kacau daun. Raja bikin kacau. Kalau betul Petra ini seorang raja, dia mesti ada kuda, mesti ada gajah. Kalau tidak ada kuda macam mana hendak kelim jadi raja. Kalau JJ kelim dia Raja Raba Bontot saya percaya kerana saya pernah tengok gambar JJ naik bontot kuda. Kerana itu wajib JJ kita ini dinobatkan sebagai Raja Raba-Raba Bontot atau JJRRB.Saya cukup naik darah pada minggu ini. Kerana saya marah maka saya buka tiga botol Moet Chandon. Saya marah apabila saya mendapat tahu Raja Petra ini telah membuat Akuan Bersumpah.Saya cukup marah apabila sumpah Raja Petra ini diajukan kepada dot dot dot..... Saya tidak berani nak sebut nama Minah ini. Minah ini Minah suci. Namanya tidak boleh disebut di khalayak ramai. Bahaya. Apabila Minah ini marah terbarai gelang emasnya. Kalau Minah ini bertambah marah dia akan letupkan perut kita. Minah ini ada ‘power’ beb.Itu fasal akhbar Star hanya berani menggunakan perkataan – a prominent lady. Utusan Malaysia pun tidak berani menyebut nama Minah dengan penuh. Tidak ada title Datin Seri pada pangkal nama Minah ini. Malah Mansor nama ayah Minah ini pun tidak di tulis. Ini kerana Minah ini cepat naik angin.
Bayangkan akhbar Star dan Utusan Malaysia yang kaki bodek ini pun takut. Kalau kena sumpah Minah ini perut ketua pengarang boleh meletup.Tapi.... geng Cina saya bagi tahu bahawa akhbar Cina semuanya buat cerita muka hadapan tentang Akuan Bersumpah Raja Petra. Ini pelik. Macam mana akhbar Cina berani sangat. Mereka tidak takut kena dot dot dot ... ke? Saya agak akhbar Cina ini kebal sikit kerana ketua pengrang nya makan daging babi. Mengikut kata Tok Guru saya sesiapa yang makan daging babi tidak akan kena ilmu hitam. Sumpah dan ilmu hitam Minah ini tak menjadi kalau kita makan babi. Kah kah kah.Saya amat yakin lagi percaya bahawa perbuatan Raja Petra betul-betul tidak masuk ajar. Saya kesian melihat muka Mat Najib bakal PM saya itu. Dia kena ambush oleh wartawan di parlimen. Terketar-ketar dan bertambah merah bibirnya dan bertambah gugur rambutnya.
Mat Najib TIDAK menjawab soalan wartawan dalam Bahasa Melayu tapi dia speaking. Ini semua kerana kerenah Raja Petra hingga nampak broken inglis Mat Najib sama macam inglis Mat Zam. Ini fasal saya naik bengang. Itu fasal saya buka satu lagi botol Moet Chandon. Kah kah kah.Dari lubang mana Raja Petra ini dapat cerita yang dot dot dot... itu berada di dot dot dot... ketika dot dot dot.... di dot dot dotkan? Saya pun sudah takut nak sebut isi kandungan Akuan Bersumpah itu. Saya takut perut saya juga akan di dot dot dot... kan.Kenapa Raja Petra ini tidak takut? Siapa di belakang Raja Petra? Kalau tidak dari mana Raja Petra tahu? Dia tidak pernah pergi mabuk-mabuk di Press Club. Dia tidak pernah naik ke Level Four. Mesti ada orang di belakang Raja Petra.Saya yakin, selalunya yang duduk-duduk di belakang ini ialah Benggali. Sahih. Tepat. Betul. Di belakang Raja Petra pasti Benggali murtad yang bernama Karpal Singh yang bagi ‘info’. Tetapi bagaimana dengan JJ, dia pun suka raba-raba bontot. Apakah JJ juga di belakang bontot Raja Petra? Ini persoalan yang wajib kita sama-sama pecahkan. Kah kah kah.Saya hairan kenapa Minah dot dot dot.... itu tidak saman Raja Petra. Ini pelik tetapi benar.
Suami kepada dot dot dot.... ini juga tidak menyaman Raja Petra. Wahai Sang Suami dot dot dot..... jangan takut dan jangan risau Raja Petra ini bukan raja betul, dia tidak ada kuda. Dia tidak ada gajah macam Raja Siam.Raja Petra ini Raja Klentong. Dia ada menyebut bahawa ada seorang Raja telah juga mendapat laporan resmi dari FBI Malaysia yang mengatakan bahawa dot dot dot.... berada di dot dot dot.... ketika dot dot dot.... di dot dot dotkan.Woit ! Jangan takut dengan Raja Petra, raja yang di maksudkan itu tidak lain dan tidak bukan ialah anak lelaki dia sendiri. Bukan susah hendak jadi Raja, apabila anak kita lahir bubuh nama raja atau alih nama kita di pejabat Pendaftaran Negara. Kalau hendak tahu cara-cara pertukaran nama untuk menjadi raja ini sila hubungi Tengku Adnan. Dia memiliki pengalaman. Kah kah kah.Tetapi kenapa polis pun TIDAK serbu rumah Raja Petra dan tangkap komputernya? Dulu polis serbu. Komputer masuk lokap. Kenapa sekarang tidak? Ini pelik. Kenapa? Kenapa polis hanya menuduh Akuan Bersumpah Raja Petra ini telah memalukan negara?Memalukan negara? Kah kah Kah. Negara kita malu kerana bertelanjang bogel hingga nampak dua telur dan kontolnya bergoyang-goyang. Hal kontol montol ini sila tanya JJ. Dia pakar dalam bidang raba-raba.
Tetapi negara kita ini jantan ke betina? Kalau jantan nampak kontolnya. Kalau betina nampak bincatnya. Tetapi kalau betina Melayu bincatnya telah di potong. Kalau negara kita jantan berapa kilo agaknya kemaluan negara kita? Ini bikin kepala saya bengang. Kenyataan PDRM ini telah jelas dan bercelaru. Saya jadi marah lalu saya buka sebotol lagi Moet Chandon. Kah kah kah.Apabila Mat Najib menggunakan perkataan inglis ‘garbage’ untuk melekehkan Akuan Bersumpah Raja Petra saya jadi marah. Saya adalah ahli Sahabat alam. Garbage ini adalah barang baik. Memang betul garbage ialah sampah sarap sayuran lebihan dari dapur. Tetapi ianya boleh di kitar semua. Boleh dijadikan baja. Mengitar semula ialah cara hidup baru. Ini ada satu soalan Cepu Mas. Mana lebih baik garbage atau kapal selam? Kapal selam tidak boleh jadi baja. Kapal selam hanya dapat komisen. Kah kah kah.
Saya tidak faham kenapa dot dot dot.... tidak membuat sidang akhbar. Kenapa Mat Najib yang ditanya wartawan. Dari apa yang saya baca Akuan Bersumpah Raja Petra TIDAK ada langsung menyebut nama Mat Najib. Nama dua Minah dot dot dot.... ituy ada. Lalu saya ingin bertanya apa hubungan dua Minah dot dot dot ..... ini dengan Mat Najib.Kenapa Mat Najib bakal PM saya membuat sidang akhbar walhal dalam Akuan Bersumpah Raja Petra telah sahih yang Mat Najib tidak berada di dot dot dot... ketika dot dot dot.... di dot dot dot...kan? Saya yakin Mat Najib ketika dot dot dot.... di dot dot dotkan.... Mat Najib sedang berehat sama ada di Port Dickson atau sedang berehat bersama Ziana Zain....opps... sedang berehat mendengar album Ziana Zain. Mat Najib bakal PM saya ini tidak perlu risau. Saya yakin dia tidak terlibat kerana nama dia tidak tertulis dalam Akuan Bersumpah Raja Petra. Mat Najib boleh senang tidur dan membuat lebih tebal garbage mata.Tapi saya masih marah kenapa Raja Petra ini tidak di tangkap. Saya cadangankan kita siasat dari mana dia mendapat darjah kebesaran untuk menjadi Raja. Orang kampung mana yang menyembah dia.
Kalau dia Raja betul-betul raja di mana siongnya. Kalau di buktikan dia bukan raja saya cadangkan dia dibawa ke dot dot dot.... dan di dot dot dotkan... sama seperti dot dot dot .... yang telah di dot dot dotkan...itu.Dan.....dan.....dan jika Raja Petra betul-betul Raja maka kita sebagai rakyat wajib membelikan dia seekor kuda. Jenis kuda terbaik dalam dunia ini datangnya dari Mongolia. Saya ada kenal satu keluarga di Mongolia, dia ada kuda dan ada anak dara cun. Kalau Petra betul Raja macam ini saya tidak marah. Tapi saya masih akan juga membuka sebotol lagi .... kali ini bukan Moet Chandon tapi Dom Perignon. Kah kah kah
Friday, July 4, 2008
Sarawak Future
Dr John Brian Anthony Jul 3, 08 4:10pm Malaysiakini
Looking at the physical development of Sarawak, it lacks so many things even the most basic needs - roads, water, electricity, education and health. Why are we still so dependent on river transport? Why are Sarawak trunk roads in such poor condition and lack proper facilities for drivers?
Why is clean drinking water so difficult to get and there is still no electricity for dwelling places that are located in some urban areas and most sub-urban areas. Where is the money from our timber? Has it gone into the pockets of elite businessmen and corrupted politicians and civil service officers?
A timber tug boat operator now owns one of the largest timber companies and has hundreds and thousands of acres of plantation land - how can that be? It can be when the chief politician makes it so. In the process, the people of Sarawak are deprived of their wealth generated from the valuable tropical trees that the natives have held so dear to their heart.
The jungle is the major provider of their needs. For the rich man, he sent in gangsters to his estates to subdue any Dayak from making complaints and demanding for a better living standard. The Dayak got the wrong end of the stick in all cases.
Money from oil? Many are asking what has happened to the money we get from the oil royalty? We are now suffering from an oil price hike so when did we enjoy the money from our oil then? The price of gas cylinders for cooking is reaching $180 per tank in rural Sarawak. The natives cannot understand such products that are produced in Bintulu - from Sarawak’s gas field - are priced that high.
The West Malaysians are paying much less and they are the ones that have no gas when we take the Terengganu equation out.
Why are we not seeing good schools and good health care for Sarawak’s rural folks? The ‘Flying Doctor’ service is still too limited while billions worth of hospitals are built in West Malaysia - not one but many. In Sarawak, the Sarawak General Hospital was built maybe four decades ago. Do we have a new one - the answer is ‘no’.
We do have new expansive private hospitals though that poor rural folks have no chance of using it as they don't have the money.
Money from hydro-dams? The Batang Ai hydro dam has forced the relocation of people living in the area. There is no land to expand their farming activity and the Sarawak Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (Salcra) provides only minimum wages for their work in the plantations and a low return for their shares in Salcra. The government has shortchanged the people.
The same government headed by the same person after 30 plus years is ignoring the plight of the poor people in Lubuk Antu. You just need to go to Lubuk Antu - what major economic activities have been implemented there? The answer is none as the government’s idea of helping the poor is by not training them to have skills and knowledge to better themselves.
Some Dayak leaders are there to ensure that the Dayaks do not progress and are therefor easier to control for political gain.
Is electricity made available to the longhouses and villages in nearby areas? The answer is ‘no’.
The Bakun dam is near completion. Is it going to benefit Sarawak poor - the answer is ‘no’. It will feed the richer West Malaysian states and provide power to their industries.
Why don't they relocate their industries to Sarawak? Because it is too expensive and Sarawak lacks basic infrastructure, it lacks skilled workers, it has limited port facilities, a poor transport system, it lacks towns that can provide comforts for the employees, etc.
This goes to show that the rich grab the poor man’s resources but are not paying for such resources in the correct manner. Otherwise why are the poor getting poorer? Why should we still stay with Malaysia?
Money from palm oil? Where is the money earned from plantations? We all know that the biggest plantation companies are from West Malaysia and Umno-linked companies. Just go to their offices and the senior management teams and managers are West Malaysians. The field supervisors and labourers are local Sarawakians - we can't help but feel ‘colonised’ and made second-class citizen of Malaysia.
Our prime land is taken to feed West Malaysians. We feel very disappointed and hurt by this attitude. It is time for Sarawakians to think about leaving Malaysia. Leaving Malaysia - why?
Sarawak has not received what is due to them.
Sarawak has been sidelined and ignored - no senior positions in the federal civil service, no senior members in the police and army, no important positions in the cabinet. The Sarawak bumiputera is a ‘fourth class’ citizen, behind the major races in West Malaysia.
We didn't join Malaysia to only learn to speak Bahasa Malaysia and have Islam as our official religion. We did not join Malaysia to champion ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ and be made used of by Umno elitists to further strengthen their grip on political power and wealth.
We want justice, we want equality, we want respect and we want dignity in our lives. We do not need to bow, kneel and plead for what is rightly ours. We want our own money to develop ourselves and be able to live a better life.
From this frustration with the BN government under Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, we are even thinking of leaving Malaysia. It has brought us untold misery and frustration with its poor leadership and poor planning accorded to Sarawak.
Furthermore, why has the federal government not approved the Dayak community’s wish to form their own political party known as the Malaysian Dayak Congress? They should ensure that the races are represented by political organisations of their choice.
We want to have our political freedom of choice and association. We do not want to feel that there is ethnic genocide in Sarawak too. Sarawak for Sarawakians.
It is the very policy and structure of BN government that is causing Sarawak to lag behind so far from the rest of Malaysia. The Sarawak leader can shout nonsense that the Dayaks are equal to the rest of the Malaysian population etc because he wants to feel good about himself - he who has overstayed his welcome and value.
He has made certain elites in the community rich beyond their wildest dreams. Have these elitists helped Sarawak’s poor - the answer is still ‘no’.
Looking at the physical development of Sarawak, it lacks so many things even the most basic needs - roads, water, electricity, education and health. Why are we still so dependent on river transport? Why are Sarawak trunk roads in such poor condition and lack proper facilities for drivers?
Why is clean drinking water so difficult to get and there is still no electricity for dwelling places that are located in some urban areas and most sub-urban areas. Where is the money from our timber? Has it gone into the pockets of elite businessmen and corrupted politicians and civil service officers?
A timber tug boat operator now owns one of the largest timber companies and has hundreds and thousands of acres of plantation land - how can that be? It can be when the chief politician makes it so. In the process, the people of Sarawak are deprived of their wealth generated from the valuable tropical trees that the natives have held so dear to their heart.
The jungle is the major provider of their needs. For the rich man, he sent in gangsters to his estates to subdue any Dayak from making complaints and demanding for a better living standard. The Dayak got the wrong end of the stick in all cases.
Money from oil? Many are asking what has happened to the money we get from the oil royalty? We are now suffering from an oil price hike so when did we enjoy the money from our oil then? The price of gas cylinders for cooking is reaching $180 per tank in rural Sarawak. The natives cannot understand such products that are produced in Bintulu - from Sarawak’s gas field - are priced that high.
The West Malaysians are paying much less and they are the ones that have no gas when we take the Terengganu equation out.
Why are we not seeing good schools and good health care for Sarawak’s rural folks? The ‘Flying Doctor’ service is still too limited while billions worth of hospitals are built in West Malaysia - not one but many. In Sarawak, the Sarawak General Hospital was built maybe four decades ago. Do we have a new one - the answer is ‘no’.
We do have new expansive private hospitals though that poor rural folks have no chance of using it as they don't have the money.
Money from hydro-dams? The Batang Ai hydro dam has forced the relocation of people living in the area. There is no land to expand their farming activity and the Sarawak Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (Salcra) provides only minimum wages for their work in the plantations and a low return for their shares in Salcra. The government has shortchanged the people.
The same government headed by the same person after 30 plus years is ignoring the plight of the poor people in Lubuk Antu. You just need to go to Lubuk Antu - what major economic activities have been implemented there? The answer is none as the government’s idea of helping the poor is by not training them to have skills and knowledge to better themselves.
Some Dayak leaders are there to ensure that the Dayaks do not progress and are therefor easier to control for political gain.
Is electricity made available to the longhouses and villages in nearby areas? The answer is ‘no’.
The Bakun dam is near completion. Is it going to benefit Sarawak poor - the answer is ‘no’. It will feed the richer West Malaysian states and provide power to their industries.
Why don't they relocate their industries to Sarawak? Because it is too expensive and Sarawak lacks basic infrastructure, it lacks skilled workers, it has limited port facilities, a poor transport system, it lacks towns that can provide comforts for the employees, etc.
This goes to show that the rich grab the poor man’s resources but are not paying for such resources in the correct manner. Otherwise why are the poor getting poorer? Why should we still stay with Malaysia?
Money from palm oil? Where is the money earned from plantations? We all know that the biggest plantation companies are from West Malaysia and Umno-linked companies. Just go to their offices and the senior management teams and managers are West Malaysians. The field supervisors and labourers are local Sarawakians - we can't help but feel ‘colonised’ and made second-class citizen of Malaysia.
Our prime land is taken to feed West Malaysians. We feel very disappointed and hurt by this attitude. It is time for Sarawakians to think about leaving Malaysia. Leaving Malaysia - why?
Sarawak has not received what is due to them.
Sarawak has been sidelined and ignored - no senior positions in the federal civil service, no senior members in the police and army, no important positions in the cabinet. The Sarawak bumiputera is a ‘fourth class’ citizen, behind the major races in West Malaysia.
We didn't join Malaysia to only learn to speak Bahasa Malaysia and have Islam as our official religion. We did not join Malaysia to champion ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ and be made used of by Umno elitists to further strengthen their grip on political power and wealth.
We want justice, we want equality, we want respect and we want dignity in our lives. We do not need to bow, kneel and plead for what is rightly ours. We want our own money to develop ourselves and be able to live a better life.
From this frustration with the BN government under Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, we are even thinking of leaving Malaysia. It has brought us untold misery and frustration with its poor leadership and poor planning accorded to Sarawak.
Furthermore, why has the federal government not approved the Dayak community’s wish to form their own political party known as the Malaysian Dayak Congress? They should ensure that the races are represented by political organisations of their choice.
We want to have our political freedom of choice and association. We do not want to feel that there is ethnic genocide in Sarawak too. Sarawak for Sarawakians.
It is the very policy and structure of BN government that is causing Sarawak to lag behind so far from the rest of Malaysia. The Sarawak leader can shout nonsense that the Dayaks are equal to the rest of the Malaysian population etc because he wants to feel good about himself - he who has overstayed his welcome and value.
He has made certain elites in the community rich beyond their wildest dreams. Have these elitists helped Sarawak’s poor - the answer is still ‘no’.
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